About Me

My name is Cameron Blomquist. I previous was a Junior Softwre Engineer at MACH where I would spend most of my time working with C++ to make off-road vehicles drive themselves.

I had always taken an interest in science and math but didn't get started with code and software development until I took a computer science course in my senior year of high school. It was either that or continuing with the orchestra that I joined six years prior where I was consistently last chair second violin. I think I made the right choice.

In 2020, I was diagnosed with ADHD which explained a good bit of the previous fifteen years of my life. I still struggle with it and I have a neverending list of projects that will likely never see completion. It took four years from the time I decided to start a blog to actually start the blog. I like to think I'm doing better though.

You can find me on LinkedIn and GitHub. If you're curious about what I'm currently reading, you can find that out on Goodreads.

If you want to contact me, you can email me at

About This Site

This site is currently hosted on GitHub Pages and built using Zola. The theme is heavily inspired by and the web version of Game Programming Patterns among other sites. The color scheme is based on Catppuccin.